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How to Get Yelp Reviews Not to Fall Off

Why are my Yelp reviews disappearing? This is one of the most frequently asked questions coming from Yelp business page owners.

On Yelp — one of today's about pop and influential business review sites — reviews and ratings take the power to shape your brand reputation, influence consumer behavior, and improve search engine visibility.

Sometimes, these online reviews might suddenly become missing from your Yelp business organisation page.

This can be frustrating. Imagine a Yelp user arriving at your page without beingness able to read the positive reviews shared by your loyal customers.

Why Do Yelp Reviews Disappear?

There are a number of reasons why a Yelp review has disappeared. Let's break down some of the most common ones:

  • The review is fake
  • The author deleted the review
  • Yelp removed the review because it violated content guidelines
  • Yelp filtered the review, and it's considered "non recommended"

yelp reviews disappearing

The Review is Simulated

The most obvious reason for Yelp removing a review from a business folio is that the review is simulated .

While the site does not typically take sides in factual disputes, Yelp moderators can independently verify questionable reviews that have been flagged and reported.

For reviews deemed by moderators to exist false, the result is removal of the review from the Yelp business folio.

The Writer Deleted the Review

"What happened to my Yelp review?" Sometimes, the answer to this question is a unproblematic ane: the author decided to remove it.

If the author deleted the review, yous will not be able to get the review dorsum, regardless of whether it was positive or negative.

The only manner you can take information technology displayed again on your Yelp folio is if the writer writes the exact aforementioned review.

Yelp Removed It Because Information technology Violated Content Guidelines

Yelp'due south guidelines include:

  • There should be no threats or hate speech in whatever review.
  • There should be no conflicts of interest in a review. Then if a consumer posts a review on a relative's business organisation site, for example, so information technology's against Yelp's content guidelines.
  • There should be no promotional content plant in a Yelp review.
  • Review content should be relevant to the business.
  • Review content shouldn't violate another person'south privacy. For instance, a review shouldn't contain a photo of other customers without their permission.
  • The review must exist original.

So what kind of reviews does Yelp accept? "The best reviews are passionate and personal," according to Yelp. "They offer a rich narrative, a wealth of detail, and a helpful tip or two for other consumers."

Yelp Filtered the Review

Why does Yelp remove reviews, even if the reviews aren't false or don't seem to violate content guidelines?

Sometimes, this boils down to the results of Yelp's review filter or automated recommendation software.

yelp recommendation software

If a review is considered "not recommended" by Yelp's recommendation software, it won't be visible on your Yelp business folio, which, by default, shows only the recommended reviews.

Reviews that Yelp doesn't recommend tin nonetheless be seen via a link on the bottom of each business's Yelp folio. But they don't factor into the business'southward overall star rating or review count.

"Yelp Reviews Not Recommended": What Does It Mean?

The Yelp review filter is built to make certain reviews are as unbiased and organic as possible.

Co-ordinate to Yelp, "Every review is automatically evaluated past Yelp's recommendation software based on Quality, Reliability, and User Action."

The review could be filtered if:

  • The reviewer does not have a complete contour
  • The reviewer does non have social integration
  • The reviewer has only positive reviews
  • The review was submitted from an IP accost located somewhere else
  • The reviews are originating from the same computer
  • The reviewer does not have Yelp friends

Yelp says that information technology regularly evaluates the reviews defenseless past its filter, so that a "not recommended" Yelp review can nonetheless be reinstated once it's proven to be legitimate and written past a trustworthy Yelp user.

It's also worth noting that the Yelp review filter is automatic, which means that Yelp's support team cannot manually override the software in order to recommend or not recommend a review.

This is why, if you're regularly logged into your Yelp for Business concern dashboard to track Yelp reviews , you may notice some come up and some go. The guild of reviews can even change, depending on the trustworthiness of the Yelp users who've written a review of your business.

Yelp Reviews Disappeared: Next Steps You Tin Take

While it's hard to say exactly what you tin can do to brand certain Yelp does not remove or filter reviews, we know what yous should not do.

If we wait at Yelp's content guidelines, there are a few steps you can take to prevent problems of Yelp reviews disappearing from your business page.

Follow the Rules

Don't use promotional content on your site. And don't attempt asking for reviews from your customers, at least not on Yelp.

The site's recommendation software actively tries to identify and non recommend reviews prompted or encouraged past the business.

Engage with Yelp Users

Make the endeavor to engage with your customers on Yelp. Heed to their concerns. Know how to respond to negative reviews .

If you engage with your Yelp customs and grow your relationships with customers, you'll organically get reviews from people who are consistently active on Yelp, who have complete profiles that link to social accounts, who postal service negative and positive reviews, and who have friends in the Yelp community.

Respond to Yelp Reviews

Responding to your online reviews is ane of the most constructive means to build and protect your make presence on Yelp.

Not just is it likely that Yelp'south search algorithms reward businesses that are active in managing reviews left on their page; responding to reviews — and doing so in a style that'due south sincere and professional — as well shows that you value client feedback, and that you care about the customer experience.

Equally a business possessor, you should too feel costless to employ your Yelp business business relationship to publicly or directly respond to any inaccuracies in the review.

Click the line of gray text to find your filtered reviews. Then identify the positive ones that you'd like to brandish publicly on your Yelp business page.

Interact with these reviews by leaving a public comment or sending the customer a directly message. You tin can as well visit the client's profile folio to add them as a friend, follow their reviews, compliment them on their feedback, and tag their reviews as either Useful, Funny, and/or Absurd.

Again, these steps tin can go a long fashion in legitimizing your customers as valued and trusted members of the Yelp community.

Final Thoughts

If you notice your Yelp reviews disappearing, or if your reviews have been removed or tagged every bit "not recommended," be sure to act rapidly and follow the tips outlined in a higher place.

Yelp is an essential tool for businesses of nigh every blazon and manufacture. Managed effectively, your business organisation'due south presence on the review website can improve your make reputation and foster lesser line improvements.

For more tips on how to grow your business presence on Yelp, check out the complete Yelp for Business Handbook .


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